Rest in Peace!Dear Astha

Dear friends, some of you might know about the sudden demise of our dear Co-blogger,our friend Astha Srivastava. She lost her battle against Covid on 30th April 2021.

I really enjoyed reading her poems,she was such an amazing blogger! This is a great loss to our blogging community. My heart goes to her family members who are finding it difficult to cope the loss of Astha and her dear mother. Please check out her beautiful poems here.

Tribute to our dear Asta 👇

An amazing friend she was
Our heart’s couldn’t bear her loss!
She was full of life and a beautiful girl
All her poems were like heavenly pearl!

The shock and pain is resisting to fade
Though we know that the fate has played!
Some battles are to lose
Yet to believe, we still refuse!

Your loss filled us with silent scream
And we wish, if this was all a dream!
Our heart bleeds with so much pain
To think, that we can’t meet again!

As the tears roll down our face
We know you are in a better place!
We learnt that God plucks the very best
To be with him, forever to rest!

Offshore Writings

Published by Offshorewriter

My Passion for writing unfolded during this lockdown, and here I am a blogger toady!

106 thoughts on “Rest in Peace!Dear Astha

  1. Such a wonderful tribute. This is heartbreaking! To lose a gem of a talent at such a young age! Her life ended as soon as she began. Extremely painful and too tragic. May her soul rest in peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you dearest Jeff. ❤️❤️ You are such an amazing friend to me. I feel so good to know you. Thank you for always supporting my works. It means more than I can say. Have a beautiful week ahead 🤝

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Am learning this today… Am literally in shock and heartbroken to hear this.. 💔. Both world n wp lost a beautiful soul. May her soul rest in peace! Will miss professor’s writings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes dear….. We definitely lost a beautiful soul. 💔 I was in shock too when I first heard…. She was full of life gone too soon. 😥😥
      Thank you for stopping by!


  3. Was heartbroken to hear this news.. her posts and comments would ooze out her positivity .. I loved her poems and I got my first nomination here from her … I just can’t accept it that she’s no more 😑

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True HS. Even I am so lost for words.💔 Her mom also died of Covid. I could only imagine the plight they are going through!!! My heart goes to her family.
      She is an amazing writer too. It’s a terrible loss to all of us. May her soul rest in peace ❣️

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is such a beautiful poem and tribute to our dear friend Astha Preeths❣️ I too am sooo sad and can’t really believe it and think about her family. She had such a great heart which she shared so freely. Her writing was poingent and fun and her messages were always so heartfelt. Thank you for featuring her blog so her family knows how love she was and how much she loved her mother that sadly left this earthly world as well. I am looking forward to hopefully the release of her Anthology. I tried to email her and leave a message for her family. love to you Preeths and all you do. 💖💓💓💓❣️❣️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you dear Cindy. Indeed her poems was always heartfelt ❣️❣️ Terrible loss to her family and to us as well. 😥😥
      My heart goes to their family who is suffering this double loss. May God give them strength to come out of this. 🖤🖤
      Some battles are to lose, yet to believe I still refuse. 😭😭😭😭

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re sooo welcome… all of your lines were such deliveries of the heart and soul. Yes, tragic.. I’m still shaking my head.. xoxoxoxo 💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷🤗Stay safe my friend❣️

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  5. Omg this is sooo saddening news!! I can’t believe it. I seriously can’t 😭😭😭😢🥺 Oh this is too bad, may her would rest in piece. This is Soo bad… (she was my really gud friend!)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s so real when it happens to someone we know. I lost my best friend last month from COVID… my heart goes out to her family!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True that!!!! I am sorry to hear your loss, this Corona has taken too many lives 😥😥. And to live with the fact that they are gone is the most painful emotion that we need to face. 🖤🖤 Thank you for stopping by ❤️🤗

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  7. Ohh my god. It’s very difficult to digest. Her blog posts were awesome and her poems were unique. I followed her Blog religiously. A very big loss at a young age. Don’t know why this virus is taking away so many souls.
    An apt medium as a tribute to Astha! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Such a loss! A very promising and productive young woman. I enjoyed Astha’s lovely, positive work. Her last poem was about falling in love. I am sure she leaves a grieving family, friends, students, and fellow bloggers behind.

    Thank you, Preeths, for the beautiful tribute and for letting us know. ❤ Stay safe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Cheryl. This is dedicated to our dear Astha ❤️❤️ . I have many times gone to her website to read her recent poems after her demise.🖤🖤
      It’s great loss to our blogging community. 💔💔
      You take care and be safe Cheryl. 🤗🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I loved Astha too. I got her book and she was always so supportive.

    I find this news so hard to accept, such a young, extremely clever, intelligent, highly educated woman, that India needs so badly. I am heartbroken

    Thank you for the poem, I will copy it tonight.


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  10. This is a wonderful tribute, my dear sister. Her passing is heartbreaking, but, she was a beautiful soul full of love, happiness and magic – this tribute honors her memory so beautifully!! I too was shocked when I first heard, she was such a pillar in this community and still is. Thank you for letting her live on through your beautiful words and graceful flow!!! Big hugs and much love, Preeths!! 🤗🤗🤗🖤🖤

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Oh my god!!! I just cant believe it 😭 its so shocking… She was a great blogger, all her poems, write ups were amazing… She was so happy too for publishing her 6/7 books… My god… I cant believe it… I read her last post written on 15th april… How did you know ? God its so so sad news!!! Cant really take it!!!😭😭 Gone tooo soon…

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Omg what? Oh god! She was the best at writting poems! We were so good friends! Oh my gif this is shocking! How did you know?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Really a very sad happening. I followed her blog as well. Just recheck above link make me feel bad. How can such nice people can leave so quickly? My heart felt condolances to all WP team and her family . Rest In Peace. Respects.

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